Hi Everyone! When Books-n-Kisses and I discuss Audio Books, we get excited over new releases or what a narrator will be reading our next favorite book! We thought it would be fun to bring someone else into the conversation about ALL THINGS AUDIOBOOK. Meet Taria Reed, photographer, graphic designer, book cover artist and LOVER of Audiobooks! One of the many things I love about Taria is her honest and frankness about everything!! This makes for a great interview! :)
Curious about some of the narrators we mentioned?
Thought you might be... check out these samples!
Thought you might be... check out these samples!
About Taria

In early 2011 I felt the need to expand creatively. I started photographing adults for stock websites. In my mind I was shooting for book covers. I'm a romance audio book junkie so I love looking at all the beautiful covers. I've always used Photoshop to edit my portraits but I wanted to go further. I started devouring any and all artistic tutorials. I would practice for hours and turn photos into covers or art. I was approached by a few self-published authors who asked me to create covers for their e-books and I jumped at the opportunities to learn even more.
After some time I started stalking publishing houses to see the covers they were putting out. I worked hard until I felt what I could do was up to snuff. Once I was comfortable with my skills I started emailing publishing houses with cover artist inquiries. I got a great response to my sample work and immediately began gaining Indie and publisher clients. Being a photographer professionally I quickly married my love of photography and my growing love for cover design. I became known for shooting my own images for my covers. In August 2013 I opened up my own stock house called "The Reed Files". It's been a wild ride but I love what I do and can't imagine doing anything else for a living.
You can find Taria at
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Now, go visit Kelly to listen to an interview with Antony Ferguson!!!
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