Welcome Aprilynne Pike to Audiobook Lovin!
Both my niece and daughter love Aprilynne's books and are so happy she is a guest this year!
Both my niece and daughter love Aprilynne's books and are so happy she is a guest this year!
5.) While folding laundry. Because folding laundry is boring and books are fun!
4.) While doing dishes. Okay, it’s basically exactly the same as folding laundry.
3.) While driving. I guess I’ve never lost this one. I’m constantly taxiing my family around, and I think I yell at other drivers less if I’m listening to a book. Maybe. I yell a lot.
2.) While running errands and shopping. Bonus, most people won’t talk to you if they see the earbuds. And well, I didn’t start writing books to talk to real people.;)
1.) While out running! I used to listen to music, but the day I was really into a book and went ahead and turned that on while running changed my life! No, seriously. Bonus, because talking isn’t as ear-filling as music, I also feel much more aware of what’s around me (other runners, bikers, etc.) so I feel safer.
I probably spend two-six hours a day listening to audiobooks, and if I had to stop and turn pages—even on eBooks—I know I wouldn’t get half the reading done that I get now. Three cheers for audiobooks!
Thank you Aprilynne for hanging out with us today!!
Friends, below is an audio clip from GLITTER
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About The Author
Aprilynne Pike is a critically acclaimed, #1 New York Times best-selling author of young adult fiction. At the age of twenty she received her BA in Creative Writing from Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho. When not writing, Aprilynne can usually be found running; she also enjoys singing, acting, reading, and working with pregnant moms as a childbirth educator and doula. Aprilynne lives in Arizona with her husband and their four children.
You can find Aprilynne at

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