I'm extremely happy to have Carrie Ann Ryan with us today talking about tension!
Give me more—Tension!
I’m a reader and writer who loves tension in books. I love that nail biting, heart pounding time when you’re going “Oh my God, will they make it?”.
When I’m writing, I need that tension, that ending in sight and the pain that gets me there. When I’m reading, it keeps me turning the page. What kind of tension am I talking about?
Well, it could be something big like murder, stalking, kidnapping…etc. Or something small, like a dream that they can’t wake up from. Or maybe something more internal like the entire idea of a romance between the hero and heroine.
With BLURRED EXPECTATIONS, my tension came from external and internal forces. Externally, I have an enemy from Josh’s past who’s out to prove to the world that werewolves exist.
Internally, I’m past the idea of my triad getting together. Reed, Hannah, and Josh, met and fell in love in TRINITY BOUND, but through A NIGHT AWAY and ENFORCER’S REDEMPTION, fans noticed that the three were breaking down because of their lack of a child. I knew this and I’d known what was going to happen.
Don’t worry, I like happy endings.
But the internal struggles of Hannah trying to remain together while she felt like a failure because she couldn't have a baby hurt to write…but don’t worry…she’ll be okay.
The internal struggles and tension within Reed and Josh while they stand helplessly beside her tugged on my heartstrings.
But don’t worry…they’ll be okay.
It’s the journey and the pain that adds tension.
Something I need not only as a writer, but as a reader.
What about you?

(Redwood Pack Series, Novella)
By Carrie Ann Ryan
Hannah Jamenson has babies on the brain. It seems that her sisters-in-law are expanding their family in the blink of an eye, but Hannah feels left behind. Every time that little test reads negative a little part of her dies and she feels like her Healing powers are failing her. Her mates, Josh and Reed, are doing everything they can to help her deal with their trials and losses, but they too feel like there is nothing they can do.
Just when the lines of what they mean to each other go out of focus, an enemy from Josh's past is back to prove the things that go bump in the night are real and everything they had held dear is now in jeopardy. In order to fight back and find their way, they'll need to put everything on the line before they lose it all.
Author’s Note: This is a novella set between books 4 and 5 to give you a taste of Reed, Josh, and Hannah. It is best that you have already immersed yourselves in the Redwood Pack world, however even new readers will enjoy a glimpse of the Redwood’s favorite triad.
Available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Carrie Ann’s Redwood Pack series is a bestselling series that has made the shifter world even more real to her and has allowed the Dante’s Circle and Holiday, Montana series to be born. She’s also an avid reader and lover of romance and fiction novels. She loves meeting new authors and new worlds. Any recommendations you have are appreciated. Carrie Ann lives in New England with her husband and two kittens.
Carrie Ann loves hearing from readers. You can find her at:
Blurred Expectations was a great read. Carrie is a master at weaving the tension she is talking about into her stories. I think it is a key part of what makes her writing so addicting. Thank you for hosting her today! Love your site!