Please welcome Author Sky Purington to Enchantress of Books!
Hello all! Thanks so much for having me over today, Viviana. As it’s the first book in my Next Generation series, Mark of the Highlander lays the foundation for what will span five novels. Instead of delving too much into the setting and plot, I thought it might be interesting to focus on how I went about developing the main characters, Colin and McKayla.
As the firstborn son of a couple from the original MacLomain Series, I knew Colin MacLomain would usher in this new series as chieftain. But I wanted something different for him. Or should I say, he wanted something different. At least he thought he did. While most of my highlander heroes never questioned their obligations, this one would. Wild, restless, he went against the grain a bit. Little did I realize that he’d use his skills as a warrior to accomplish such. Having joined ranks with a group of ruthless assassins, Colin soon becomes very much the opposite of a good guy.
So here was a character whose story began with him estranged from his clan. Then I had to ask myself, what could possibly happen for him to want to leave his new brotherhood. What would make him want to return to the MacLomains?
You guessed it. A woman.
This, of course, led smoothly into developing my heroine, McKayla. I decided to stick with the golden rule, ‘write what you know’. I needed to understand this woman from the inside out. What better way to do that then to make her a novelist? Better yet, an author who penned Scottish romance. But this story would not be one of those classic tales where the author magically enters one of her own books. Nope. It’d be different altogether. But writing her story would certainly be part of a connection they would share, a means to bring closer a highlander who’d lost his way in life.
I envisioned a deep friendship developing between these two characters. This connection needed to assist in their mental growth as human beings. It needed to inspire him to want to change and it needed to draw her out of her shell and inspire more confidence. Most of all, it needed to be the bond that held them together when he realized how harmful his previous decisions were.
Once I’d outlined the above, fleshing out personality traits became far easier. Colin would be intense, impassioned, determined. He’d have to search inside himself to remember all he’d once been, a trained leader, a devoted clansman, a loving son and brother. McKayla would be creative, inspired and somewhat withdrawn. She’d have to search inside herself to find courage, endurance and most of all, forgiveness.
Colin and McKayla became the perfect pair to launch what will soon become an in depth, fantastical series that interweaves and celebrates many more unique personalities.
Mark of the Highlander
(The MacLomain Series: Next Generation, Book 1)
By Sky Purington
Colin MacLomain, skilled assassin and fierce warrior, is ready to make right his jaded past. Newly seated as chieftain, he's determined to win over his clan and one true love. But when she's pulled back in time will McKayla, his unknowing best friend, be able to see past his shaded history to the man he's determined to become?
Find out in Mark of the Highlander.
Coming soon- Vow of the Highlander (Book 2) and Wrath of the Highlander (Book 3).
Also available: The MacLomain Series- Early Years (Books 1-3 available in a boxed set) and the original MacLomain Series (Books 1-4 available in a boxed set).
Available for purchase at
Though they
stood a good foot apart they might as well have been entwined with all the
attraction crackling between them. He arched a brow and though he didn’t move
toward her, his words certainly yanked her back against him. “More muscles. Far
more strength. A tireless perseverance that I promise will make you weep.”
“Tireless,” she
he promised. “Determination.”
She licked her
lips and tried to look away. Impossible. He looked so bloody good standing
there in a plaid with the mountains cheering him on and the highland wind
working fully to his advantage.
“You have no
idea how hard it was for me to transform my feelings into something platonic.
But I did. This. You.” She made a loose gesture in his direction. “Reignites
old wounds.”
Colin nodded and
instead of continuing to undress her with his practiced eyes he grabbed her
hand and pulled her towards him.
“So let’s start
over, Kay, sorry, McKayla.” He squeezed her hand. “I promise not to call you
that until I earn back your trust. I dinnae deserve that level of closeness.
Not yet. But I promise you one day I will. I want to earn back not only what I
lost when I ended our relationship but what I lost because of all the lies.
While I beg for my clan’s forgiveness, allow me to ask for yours as well, a
thousand times over.”
A small shiver
rippled through her. Did he really crave her forgiveness as much if not more
than those who raised him? His very family? It was hard not to be humbled
because she knew he was being truthful. She wasn’t being naïve, not this time.
He meant it. Regardless, he wasn’t getting off that easy. “Let’s work at
rebuilding the friendship and not worry so much about the relationship, okay?”
Colin nodded and
led her into the forest. “Seems like a good start.”
That sounded
like he intended the friendship to be a mere formality and for them to pick up
where they left off. If he thought she was jumping back into a relationship, he
was in for a rude awakening. “Friends, Colin. That’s all I want right now.”
“Aye,” he
agreed. “Friends. Once earned.”
Again, something
about the way he said it made her think he was a lot more arrogant than he
thought he was.
About the Author

Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at
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Thanks again for the blog feature, Viviana! :-)