Please allow me to introduce you to Ms. Donna Grant for those who have yet to read this AWESOME author!!

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.
Despite deadlines and voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two children, four cats, and one long haired Chihuahua.
You can find Donna at
Hi Donna, and welcome to Viviana, Enchantress of Books! Today we’re going to have some fun chatting about your upcoming release “Soul Scorched”, the next installment of your DARK KINGS Series.
VEoB: Who’s Rhi’s Dragon King?
Donna: lol. Nice try, sweetie.
VEoB: What? Come on, you know me, you knew I was going to ask! Plus, I thought I might get the answer instead of Kelly from Books-n-Kisses, since, you know, I’m your favorite between the two of us! Hahhaa Okay, since I’m getting that oh so cute but FIRM, “I’m not going to tell you, you’re just going to have to read the books” look,…. “Soul Scorched”! The oh so sexy hero is this installment is Warrick. Tell us a little bit about him, please.
Donna: Warrick is different from some of the other Dragon Kings we’ve met for a couple of reasons. One, he doesn’t hate humans. In fact, he finds them incredibly interesting. Two, he’s the quiet type. He gets anxious around lots of people and never knows what to say. Three, he is a social media hound! He follows all kinds of people on Facebook, including Rhi (TheRealRhi).
VEoB: I read and loved “Soul Scorched”. I found the opening scene in the book interesting. Warrick is “randomly” looking through Facebook pages, Twitter posts, and Instagram pictures. Then he’s on YouTube watching videos with kittens. This is such a “normal” behavior for many in today’s day in age, but for someone who, like him, just ‘woke up’ its strange. What made you include such a scene and where you trying to convey a message perhaps to your readers?
Donna: No message, other than that not every King who wakes is going to be hating on humans and be brooding. Some just want as much info on their favorite celebrities as the rest of us. lol
VEoB: Great! That's good to know, that they are not hating us human! LOL When writing “Soul Scorched” were there any difficult parts or challenging aspects/characters?
Donna: Having a heroine with magic. When you have heroes as large and powerful as the Dragon Kings, it’s difficult to write a heroine with her own magic who can keep up with them, but I think Darcy did a good job.
VEoB: She did do a good job! I liked that she could "keep up" or rather "help" when they needed some extra magical assist. Throughout this series you’ve proven that there is more to the characters then them being “the bad guy” or “good guy”. The entire time Ulrik is pegged as bad and in some instances the readers is starting to think “maybe not the bad guy” and same can be said for Con (which right now, I’m totally hating, the BASTARD!), maybe he’s the bad guy. However, then, they do something else and you’re like “Nope, never mind – totally the bad guy”. However, you have me wondering about Balladyn. What can you share with us?
Donna: Balladyn has surprised me as much as he has y’all. I think Balladyn is going to surprise some with the direction he’s going.
VEoB: Who is Rhi’s Dragon King?
Donna: lmao. Still not saying. :D
VEoB: Seriously. Had to try ;)
Donna: I know, sweetie.
VEoB: Speaking of Rhi, she has been through a heck of a lot. She’s still dealing with it and having to accept that she’s not the same and learn what that exactly means. We know there’s more to come, but can you give us a glimpse of what the future may hold for Rhi and the Dragon Kings?
Donna: Rhi is about to take all of us on one hell of a ride. Just when you think you know what she’s going to do, she’s going to do the opposite. She’s going to have a new ally, which is really going to change the game. The Fae (Light and Dark) as well as the Dragon Kings are going to be doing their best to try and figure her out – but none of them will. There is only one who can, but will he step up before it’s too late?
VEoB: And one more time…. Rhi’s King????
Donna: Nope. :D
VEoB: Even though I knew you were not going to answer, I couldn’t at least give it a whirl. Heaven forbid, we chat later and you say something like, “well, if you would have just asked!” LOL! Besides, I think by now, we have an idea of who it might be. Yet, then again, I wouldn’t put it past you as an author to keep us guessing until the final pages. LOVE YOU!!!! Donna, you’re the best! THANK YOU for being here with us today. I know your readers will LOVE “Soul Scorched” and like myself, will be eager to get our hands on the next book!! CANNOT WAIT!!!
Donna: Thank you so much, sweetie! Love ya, too!! So glad you enjoyed SOUL SCORCHED. xoxo
Everyone! Find out more about "Soul Scorched" and make sure to pre-order your copy now!! :)
Soul Scorched
(Dark Kings Series, Book #6)
by Donna Grant
Darcy was floating on a cloud of pure passion. Everywhere he touched, Warrick was leaving a mark on her, forever changing her. She could feel it through her skin and muscle, through bone and into her soul. It was as if he was changing her. And she welcomed it…
Her power is a blessing.
Born on the Isle of Skye, Darcy is a beautiful woman of many gifts. Fortune-telling is her forte, and she remains the only Druid who could unlock the secrets—and desires—of a Dragon King. His name is Warrick. And now that Darcy’s seen into his dragon heart, nothing will ever be the same…
His passion is a curse.
Warrick never intended to put Darcy in harm’s way. But ever since she revealed a shocking truth, Darcy has been hunted by the Dark Fae, who want to use her powers for their own evil purposes. Now it’s up to Warrick to do whatever it takes to keep the woman who sets his soul on fire safe. But protecting Darcy means putting himself—and his entire race—in jeopardy. Is his desperate longing for one woman worth the risk of losing everything… for eternity?
Dive into Soul Scorched, the sizzling next novel in the Dark Kings series from New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant.
Available for purchase at
Book review coming soon!!!!
I'm dying to find out too!