On today's Audiobook Lovin, we have author Nicole Garcia sharing her love of audiobooks with us!
After you're done reading her post, continue to scroll down to learn more about Nicole, her books and enter the giveaways!
Hi everyone!
So happy to talk to you about my favorite thing in the world, audiobooks!
Thank you Viviana for inviting me to discuss my writing process and casting my books for audio.
For those who don't know me, I currently write steamy Contemporary, Paranormal, and now LGBT Romance.
I don't know about you, but I'd be totally lost without audiobooks. Besides taking care of the kids and writing, which takes up pretty much all of my day, I also have what's called retinopathy. It's caused by high blood pressure and can damage the blood vessels and retina in your eye. So, reading and writing have become a challenge for me over the last couple of years. Audiobooks give me the chance to read and enjoy my favorite hobby without exacerbating my condition.
I love reading or listening to anything romance related. I actually started listening to audiobooks about three years ago. The first audiobook I listened to was Sawyer Bennett's Uncivilized. Then I thought to myself, "Wow, I can really get into this." So, I started looking around and searching for similar narrations and came across Kai Kennicott and Wen Ross. Well, let me tell you I have never turned back. I have listened to every book they have performed in the last three years and am in complete awe every time I listen to a new book they have contributed to. Which brings me to my casting process. Casting my books was a challenge at first. Finding the right voice for your characters can be painstaking at times. But, I knew after a year of listening to Kai and Wen that I absolutely had to have them narrate my books. They have such an amazing range of voices and convey so much emotion with every performance, it's hard not to fall in love with them.
On to my writing process. I'm what you would call a pantser, a kind of 'fly by the seat of my pants' writer. Some authors outline their entire book down to the letter. I don't. I only plan out the absolute basics of my novel like character attributes or how I see the story ending. Most of the time I'll write the epilogue of a book first before anything else and then go back to it later to refresh it. I know, I'm backward, but that's how I roll. When I write, I like the idea of not knowing where the story is going and am sometimes surprised by what my character says or does. I find it more entertaining than having a whole script planned.
Having an amazing set of narrators is a great advantage. Since I know their voices so well, it makes the writing process go so much smoother when I hear them in my head.
If you have any questions for me or would like to connect, please find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Happy listening!
Thank you so much Nicole for being our guest for this year's Audiobook Lovin!
Friends, below are two audiobook samples of Nicole's books "Decadent Dreams" and "Delivered Through The Storm"
Friends, below are two audiobook samples of Nicole's books "Decadent Dreams" and "Delivered Through The Storm"
Available for Purchase at Kindle | Audible
About The Author
N.Y. Times Bestselling author Nicole Garcia has a degree in Nursing but has been a stay at home mom for the past 10 years. Her passion is reading and decided to make a career out of sharing her love for books. Nicole started writing poetry when she was just a little girl and had always loved the feeling it gave her. She now writes full-time. Currently, she writes steamy Contemporary and Paranormal Romance but plans to write other genres in the future. Hope you will join her in all the fun ahead.
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