Please welcome author Pippa Grant to Audiobook Lovin!
Hi Pippa, thank you very much for joining us for Audiobook Lovin’!!
Hi, Viviana! Thanks so much for having me!
For those that may not know you, let’s start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you became an author?
Once upon a time, I tried being a techy computer person, but I failed. Fairly spectacularly, actually. I still maintain it wasn’t entirely my fault, but that’s neither here nor there.
The point is, life sort of guided me to writing books, and now I’m a stay-at-home mom with a weird sense of humor and kids who are finally old enough to let me have regular thirty-minute intervals for undistracted writing time. I love the theory of folded laundry more than I love the act of folding it, if I had to choose between chocolate and one of my children, it wouldn’t always be an easy decision, and if I get to choose what I could be in my next life, I’d choose to be baby goat, but only if I got to wear pajamas.
What made you decide to turn your books into audiobooks?
Stud in the Stacks is my first foray into audio, and as the best things do, it happened by accident. The book caught the attention of Tantor, and they contacted me to ask if rights were available. And I was like, “Whoa, for my book? Are you sure?” And they said, yes, it wasn’t a mistake, they were interested in my book. So I did a happy butt wiggle dance, and I asked if I could pick the narrators, and they said yes, and so here we are!
Are you involved in the casting of your audiobooks and if so how do you go about selecting your narrators?
Oh, this is my favorite!! Just before Tantor contacted me, I’d been on a few solo road trips, which is always exciting because it means I can listen to romance novels without having to explain to impressionable young ears what “cock” and “sex” and “orgasm” mean. I’d been bingeing on novels Joe Arden had narrated, and I was developing quite the audio crush.
Also about the same time, I got an email randomly from Karen White asking if I was doing anything for the audio rights for Stud, because she’d read a sample and wasn’t at all appalled by my sense of humor, and actually seemed to have appreciated it, which was definitely a good sign.
So Karen and I chatted some more, I’ve loved her work for a long time, and so when Tantor agreed that I could pick my narrators, I asked for Karen and Joe.
What do you love/like about audiobooks?
More and more lately, I’m falling deeper in love with audiobooks. I spend so much time working at my computer that my eyes groan when I pick up my phone to read a book, so listening, especially while walking or taking a bath, is pure luxury.
Or possibly I’ve gotten lazy and just want someone else to do the hard work of reading for me. (Which is also my excuse for why I don’t read more in paper. Sheer laziness. I’d have to hold AN ENTIRE BOOK. The horrors.) (Okay, seriously, I do still get high off the smell of a book. I just don’t happen to have a large selection at home that I haven’t read yet, and audiobooks are so fast and easy to download, so…)
Also, as someone who hates the sound of her own voice, I’m completely smitten with fabulous voices. It makes the whole book experience come alive in a completely different way, and I just love it.
Are you a Plotter or Pantser and how does that affect your writing?
I’m a plantser. I’ll go into a book with a rough idea about who the characters are and what they want and a few things that have to happen along the way, but the most fun parts just come out spur-of-the-moment.
We often hear (or read on social media) the authors speak about going off to their “writing cave” …. Do you have one and if so, what does it look like? What are your must have items?
My writing cave is currently a guest bedroom (with private bathroom!) in our house, which is excellent for my innate sense of laziness. I only have to walk about six feet whenever the after effects of living off tea catches up with me.
For work surfaces, there’s a treadmill desk and a regular desk side-by-side, and I sometimes pretend like I’m not lazy and walk an hour or two (at a very slow pace) while I’m writing. But usually I only get up on the treadmill when I’m too soft-hearted to shoo my cats off my desk chair.
And I have multiple calendars hanging on my walls, because releasing a book every 6-8 weeks takes some degree of organization. There are also signs on the wall reminding me to “Be Funny” and that “Outrageous Is Your Friend.”
Can you tell us a little about your upcoming release.
My next release, Rockaway Bride (June 29) is about a rockstar who kidnaps a runaway bride. She turns the tables on him, of course, because I do love strong heroines, and they end up on a journey from Scotland to Paris with donkeys, sea water, pub adventures, and nuns. And sex. But not with the nuns.
What are you working on next?
Later this summer is a book called Hot Heir, a marriage of convenience story featuring a royal bodyguard with a secret and a sassy southern belle with a big problem.
Any upcoming appearances that you’ll be attending where readers can meet you?
I currently have zero intentional public appearances planned, though if you ever happen to be in a Panera and see a woman in a neon green “Don’t Moose With Me” T-shirt snorting her tea out her nose over her MacBook Pro, that might be me.
Thank you Pippa for joining us today and being part of the Audiobook Lovin Series! Looking forward to your upcoming releases!!
Thank you so much for having me, Viviana! It’s been an honor to participate in the Audiobook Lovin’ Series.
Stud in the Stacks
By Pippa Grant
Narrated by Joe Arden & Karen White
Available for purchase at
Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback
Release Date: July 3, 2018
Audio Sample
Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback
Release Date: July 3, 2018
Audio Sample
About The Author
Pippa Grant is a stay-at-home mom and housewife who loves to escape into sexy, funny stories way more than she likes perpetually cleaning toothpaste out of sinks and off toilet handles. When she's not reading, writing, sleeping, or trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, she's fantasizing about chocolate chip cookies.
You can find Pippa at
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